Importance of an Anaesthesiologist

The first successful demonstration of general anaesthesia was done in Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, on 16th October 1846. Hyderabad has contributed significantly for the development of anaesthesia in the world. Dr Rupa Bai Furdoonji was the first lady anaesthetist of the world from the present Sultan Bazaar Hospital, Hyderabad in the years 1889-1917. The great Chloroform Commissions were conducted in Osmania General Hospital in 1890s. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care have advanced by leaps and bounds particularly in the last few decades. Most complex surgeries are possible today, only due to the rapid advances in anaesthesia.


Who is an Anaesthetist /Anaesthesiologist?

Anaesthetists are specialist doctors and are multifaceted professionals and are experts in providing patient focused care. Anaesthetists form the largest medical speciality in any hospital in the world and they provide care for every patient in the hospital. Anaesthetists are also called as Anaesthesiologists in some countries.


What does an anaesthetist do?

Anaesthetists have a unique work pattern and work in a wide variety of roles just not in the operation theatres but also pre-hospital care, medical education and research. They undergo advanced and rigorous training and take care of patients throughout the perioperative period i.e. preoperatively, in the operation theatre and intensive care unit. They provide care for patients in chronic pain clinics, trauma teams, obstetric painless labour, cardiac arrest teams, sedation and anaesthesia for patients undergoing interventional radiology and radiotherapy. Anaesthetists are also responsible for the transfer of critically ill patients and are an integral part of even air ambulances.

Anaesthetists assess patients before undergoing surgery and optimise patients for surgery. They explain risks involved  during the surgery to the patient. There are different choices of anaesthesia like general anaesthesia, spinal / epidural anaesthesia / nerve blocks or a combination of these procedures. Anaesthetists discuss these options with the patient and make a definitive and safe plan.


Prior to the operation anaesthetists see the patients and ensure the following:

  • Assess patient’s overall health and fitness for surgery
  • Plan perioperative care pathway for the patient
  • Identify any medical conditions that may put the patient at risk for complications not only during but also after surgery
  • Educate the patient about the anaesthesia, surgery & post operative care

In theatre, the anaesthetist administers the anaesthetic to the patient and remains with them throughout the operation, monitor and maintains the life of the patient throughout the surgery. They monitor heart, oxygen levels, provide advanced organ support in complex cases.


How are anaesthetists trained?

They are doctors who undertake postgraduate specialist training in anaesthesia, intensive care medicine and pain management. Anaesthetists also undergo advanced training and specialisation in several sub specialities like cardiac anaesthesia, neuro-anaesthesia, paediatric-anaesthesia, chronic pain management.


What other roles anaesthetists do play in a hospital?

Anaesthetists often occupy senior management roles in the hospitals.


Who are Peri-operative Physicians?

Anaesthetists are now evolved as “Peri-operative Physicians”, responsible for entire patient journey in the hospital. They are experts at recognising and managing organ system failures are perfectly suited to work in a critical care environment.

Anaesthesiology has a great career. Anaesthetists have an extremely responsible job and can also be very stressful at times. Training is highly competitive and undertake high standard of exams, do require hard work and it is a very rewarding and enriching experience.


Dr Chintamani Nagaraj
HOD – Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
OMNI Hospitals, Kothapet