There are different surgical techniques through which kidney stones can be removed.
Shack wave lithotripsy (SWL) i a procedure that uses ultrasound energy to break a kidney stone into smaller fragments that can pass through your urine easier.
During ureteroscopy.a ureterascope is passed through the urethra into the bladderand up to the stone. The scope helps te see the stane without making an incision and break the stone into smaller pieces using a small Laser fiber.
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy isa minimally invasive procedure to remove large stones from the kidney or a large number of small stones in one kidney.A nephroscope is passed into the kidney and as itreaches the location ofthe stone,itis either pulled out or broken into smaller pieces usinga laser.
1) Avoid damage to kidneys
2) Restore kidney function
3) Avoid recurent UTI (Urinary Tact nections)
Highly Qualified
100% Infection
Free Environment
Cutting Edge
Medical Equipment
Skilled Support
24x7 Emergency &
Trauma Care
Preparing for the surgery?
Our doctors will give you specific instructions to prepare for your surgery.
They may include the following.
1) Stop taking certain medications that can make it hard for your blood to clot, such as blood thinners.
2) Stop smoking (well in advance of surgery)
3) Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to your surgery
4) Make sure you have someone to drive you home after your procedure
Why Laser Treatment?
1) No damage to kidneys
2) Removal of stone in less time
3) No effect on sexual life
Recovery Time?
Recovering from kidney stone surgery depends on the type of procedure and the situation. You will be able to resume normal activities within 2 to 3 days.