5 Ways to Reduce Joint Pain and Stiffness this Winter Season

5 Ways to Reduce Joint pain

Introduction on Joint Pains

The winter season brings good health to most people, but it can be particularly challenging for those with arthritis and chronic joint pain. Stiffness and pain in the joints can be caused by various factors, yet more people tend to complain about reduced mobility, joint pain, and stiffness during the winter. Colder weather places additional stress on the muscles and tendons surrounding the joints, leading to expansion and resulting in reduced mobility, in addition to stiffness and pain. To combat stiffness and find relief from joint pain, here are five tips that may work effectively in alleviating joint pain and stiffness in low temperatures.

5 Ways to Reduce Joint Pain and Stiffness During Winter

Individuals living with joint pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or lupus often struggle to find relief from their pain and joint stiffness. With these five home-based tips, you can ensure that you keep your legs and arms moving!

Keep Moving

There is nothing better than exercising to keep the body warm and the joints flexible. Exercising regularly not only helps build muscle and bone strength, which provides protection for the joints, but it also promotes mobility and range of motion by preventing the muscles and joints from becoming stiff. Lack of movement and insufficient activity can lead to decreased mobility and stiffness in the joints and muscles, and may also result in joint pain.

The best way to get moving is to perform some yoga, whether at home or with a group of people outside. If that is not possible, walking or jogging regularly outside or on a treadmill can be a great exercise option for the hip and knee joints. Exercising at home, accompanied by some proper stretching, can be extremely beneficial in preventing joint pain and stiffness not only during winters but also year-round.

Stay Hydrated

Winter is the season of dryness, but people tend to forget that even when they’re not sweating and feeling thirsty, it is still important to maintain hydration levels. The dry air can still cause the loss of moisture through the skin, leading to dehydration. Dehydration can result in decreased mobility due to reduced lubrication and joint fluid, while increasing sensitivity to pain and aches. This can also lead to muscle cramping. So, be sure to replenish water from time to time in any form. The best way to keep the body hydrated while also keeping it warm is to drink hot beverages and fluids such as hot tea, coffee, soups, and other such drinks.

Keep Warm

It is important to stay warm and cover the body at home, and even more so when going outside to prevent flare-ups. It is particularly essential to cover the knees and hips and dress in layers. Wearing thermal undergarments may be beneficial to protect the overall body. Consider wearing gloves and thick socks to keep the hands and feet warm. When going outside, wearing boots or covered shoes may help insulate the feet from the cold outside. Even when at home, wearing socks and using slippers can help prevent inflammation.

When at home, wear sweaters and use shawls to cover the body. Wear thick full-length pants to protect the knees. At night, use one or more blankets to keep warm. Sometimes using a hot water pad or heating pad over the painful areas can also be useful to relieve painful symptoms. However, be careful not to expose the skin to high temperatures for an extended period!

Get Physical Therapy

If you have access to tubs or pools, taking a warm bath in a hot tub or pool can provide the necessary warmth to the overall body. This can help improve joint movement while reducing pain. However, it is important to maintain breaks and conduct brief sessions to prevent the body from getting too accustomed to it, which can eventually reduce the effectiveness.

Alternatively, to effectively manage pain, consider physical therapy. Physical therapy may help provide relief from sore muscles and promote blood flow to the joints to reduce stiffness and joint pain during winters.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The winter season, being a good time for proper digestion and with the availability of seasonal foods, prompts everyone to indulge in various delicacies a bit too much. With increased cravings and the warmth and comfort of cosy blankets, there comes the tendency to gain weight. A few kilograms of weight gain can put stress on the hip and knee joints, especially in elderly people. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and consume a balanced diet consisting of various seasonal fruits and vegetables. Eating healthy not only promotes good health and a normal body weight but also promotes joint health.

When choosing what to incorporate into the diet, it is important to ensure that fruits and vegetables that prevent inflammation are included. Nuts, berries, garlic, oily fishes, and most fruits contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help keep inflammation, pain, and stiffness at bay.


These five tips may help manage joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness at home without having to resort to medicines. However, when experiencing chronic pain and inflammation, it is important to have an orthopaedic specialist take a look at the joints to ensure optimal medical attention and treatment. This can help you experience a pain-free winter without having to spend time and money on medications. To book an appointment with the best orthopaedic specialists in Hyderabad, contact us at Omni Hospital.