Endoscopy on a Budget: Affordable Options and Cost-Saving Strategies for Your Procedure

endoscopy on a budget affordable options and cost saving strategies for your procedure


Several medical procedures can come with substantial financial implications for many, and an endoscopy is no different. Endoscopy is a widely used diagnostic and therapeutic procedure employed by healthcare providers to visualise various internal structures in the body, as well as for the treatment of a wide range of conditions.  While endoscopic procedures are crucial for diagnosing and treating various gastrointestinal conditions, the cost of these procedures can be a significant financial burden upon patients. Fortunately, there are ways in which costs for endoscopy can be minimised while still receiving quality care. In this guide, patients can find various cost-saving tips to seek affordable and reliable endoscopic treatment.

Understanding Endoscopy and Its Types

Before delving into the cost of undergoing endoscopy, it can be beneficial for patients to understand the different types of endoscopic procedures and their purposes. Endoscopic procedures allow accurate and timely diagnosis, and treatment of various health problems without having to make large incisions. Thus, surgeons can access the delicate, internal structures of the body without making incisions. Even if incisions are made, they are small and heal very quickly. Endoscopy is considered to be quite a safe procedure and is an alternative to open procedures for diagnosing and treating conditions of various systems in the body, particularly the gastrointestinal system. There are several types of endoscopic procedures that cater to the specific requirements of patients. Most commonly, gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy, and bronchoscopy are employed. Healthcare providers may use specific endoscopic procedures for treating related medical conditions. Therefore, it is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis of a patient’s health condition and discuss which endoscopic procedure can best treat the specific condition, thereby avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Endoscopic Procedure

As mentioned previously, endoscopic procedures can be used for a number of reasons. Endoscopy is often non-surgical, and doesn’t require an overnight hospital stay in most cases.  Before an endoscopy is done, an extensive evaluation of the patient is performed to ensure that the procedure is beneficial for the patient. Their complete medical and physical history may be reviewed. Physical examination may also be performed prior to the procedure. Doctors may discuss the pros and cons of the procedure, how to prepare for it, and provide specific instructions to be followed up to the day when the procedure is to be performed.  To perform an endoscopy, doctors use an endoscope, which is a long, thin tube with a camera and light mounted on its head that provides real-time images of the insides of the organs and structures in the body. The endoscope guides doctors to navigate through the internal structures and reach the site of surgery through minimal or no incisions at all. Sometimes, the endoscope can be inserted through natural openings in the mouth or the rectum. If a particular site cannot be accessed in this manner, a small incision on the skin may be made at a site nearest to the organ.  Endoscopy is mainly employed for three reasons – screening, diagnosing, and treating. It is a quick and safe alternative to open incisional procedures. The purpose of endoscopy can be summarised as follows:

  • To understand the causes of abnormalities in the body
  • Diagnose certain conditions by retrieving tissues from the site of problem and further testing in a laboratory in a procedure known as endoscopic biopsy
  • View and remove abnormal internal structures, such as gallstones, stomach ulcers, and tumours

Knowing Endoscopic Costs

The cost of endoscopy in India varies depending on the type of endoscopic procedure performed, the hospital, and the city where the procedures are conducted. Here are some cost estimates for common endoscopic procedures.

  • Bronchoscopy: ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 15,000
  • Laparoscopy: ₹ 10,000 to ₹ 50,000
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE): ₹ 4,000 to ₹ 8,000
  • Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy (LGIE): ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 10,000
  • Cystoscopy: ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 12,000
  • Hysteroscopy: ₹ 8,000 to ₹ 15,000

Get a Cost Estimate: Factors Influencing Endoscopy Costs

To be able to save on endoscopic procedures without compromising on the quality of care obtained, it is important to understand the factors which may affect the cost of endoscope. Some factors that may influence cost include: 

  • Location: The location of the hospital where the procedure is to be performed may influence the cost of endoscope test. Hospitals with advanced equipment and state-of-the-art infrastructure may charge higher for the procedure. 
  • Anaesthesia: Whether or not anaesthesia is used for performing endoscopic surgery may increase the total cost of endoscopy. General anaesthesia is often used for gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures.
  • Medical provider: The cost of endoscope test may also vary depending on the experience, expertise, and reputation of the healthcare provider performing the procedure.
  • Additional tests: If additional tests or procedures are performed in addition to endoscopy, they may increase the cost of the procedure.
  • Insurance coverage: The cost of endoscope may be partially or fully covered by insurance, if a patient has such arrangements and is insured against endoscopic procedures. Thus, having health insurance may relieve a person from bearing the burden of endoscope expenses.

The cost estimate can be obtained from the healthcare facility before the procedure. 

Tips to Cut Down on Endoscopy Expense

Now that you have an idea about where you can save on costs based on the factors that influence costs of endoscopy, here are some strategies that can help reduce the cost of undergoing an endoscopic procedure in the future.

  • Research affordable clinics & hospitals

You can start by looking for health clinics and hospitals where they provide affordable pricing on various endoscopic procedures, and you can choose the one you need. You should also look for the reliability of such institutions without compromising on the quality of healthcare provided. Compare different pricing on endoscopic procedures at various clinics and hospitals to single out low-cost endoscope services.

  • Look for reviews & recommendations

The best way to do this is to look for Google reviews and patient testimonials that can be found on the particular websites of a health clinic or hospital. You can also seek recommendations from people who have undergone endoscope before and obtain information about the quality of care and affordability of a hospital or clinic.

  • Compare service pricing

When researching for affordable clinics and hospitals, compare their prices and services offered by different providers. Consider the cost of the procedure along with consultation fees, testing fees, hospital bed charges, etc. as part of the total costs of the endoscope procedure. Seek for a detailed breakdown of costs by discussing the expenses with the healthcare providers.

  • Consider location & accessibility 

Hospitals and clinics located in metropolitan and tier-1 cities may charge higher than hospitals located in other cities. You can choose a clinic located closer to your home to cut down on transportation costs. 

  • Utilise insurance coverage 

It can be beneficial for patients to learn more about their insurance policy, and any additional terms and conditions that may allow for partial or complete coverage of endoscopic procedures. Check with your insurance provider to determine the extent of the entire process from hospital admission till discharge. 


Endoscopy is a useful tool that helps diagnose and treat a plethora of medical conditions. Endoscopic procedures can be costly, especially in metropolitan cities. It is possible to minimise the cost of endoscopy through various measures and ensuring that patients can get quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Seek consultation with your healthcare provider to understand the entire cost of endoscope and associated costs to find out where you can reduce your expenditure.