Living with a Cardiac Pacemaker: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

September 12, 2024

A pacemaker is an implantable device to regulate the heart’s rhythm. Its primary function is to ensure the correctness or to correct cardiac arrhythmia. Pacemaker procedures can be lifesaving, especially for patients with cardiac problems or patients with heart failure. After the cardiac pacemaker is inserted in your body, a normal beat of the heart


Effective Orthopaedic Treatments for Ankle Ligament Injuries

August 27, 2024

Overview of Sprained Ankle Ankle ligament injuries, such as a torn ligament, are common among people of all ages. These injuries can significantly impact physical activity, often leading to missed opportunities for athletes to participate in tournaments. A sprained ankle occurs when you twist or roll your ankle more awkwardly than its ordinary course of


Key Factors that are Responsible for Your Healing Time in Stroke Recovery

August 23, 2024

Stroke Recovery: Stroke rehabilitation is a program comprising different treatments aimed at helping one relearn what they have lost because of the stroke. The early beginning of the process significantly increases the possibility of regaining the brain and body functions affected by stroke. Factors that can determine your time of healing and restoring normal function


Early Warning Signs of Brain Tumours and Treatment Importance

August 20, 2024

Brain tumours are severe medical conditions that can affect anybody at any stage of life. Primary brain tumours begin their growth in the brain. Cancer can also spread directly to the brain from other areas of the body; these are commonly referred to as secondary brain tumours or metastatic brain tumours. Therefore, it is essential


Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Diarrhoea

August 13, 2024

Diarrhoea is a common issue experienced by people of all age groups. In most cases, it can bring an individual a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. At the same time, if not well handled in other circumstances, it results in different health challenges, such as dehydration. Whether you have diarrhoea due to allergic reactions or


Common Causes of Stomach Infections in Monsoon

August 9, 2024

Monsoons cool things down but also bring in various health-related issues, including stomach infections. Stomach infections during this season are quite common, owing to the ideal condition of humidity that helps bacteria, viruses, and parasites grow. Your chances of catching more viruses, bacteria, and other infections are twice as high in monsoons than in other


National Bone and Joint Day 2024: Expert Insights on Preventing Injuries

August 2, 2024

National Bone and Joint Day is observed on 4th August every year in India. This is a nationwide health campaign initiated by the Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) in 2021 to highlight the importance of strong bones and joints in people of all ages. The day is celebrated to raise awareness about the necessity of preserving


Important Facts to Know on Lung Cancer Day 2024

August 1, 2024

Introduction Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Therefore, it is very important to raise awareness around it. World Lung Cancer Day is observed on the first of August every year, and its main aim is to spread awareness about lung cancer, how it can be prevented, and the importance of an