Recognizing the Warning Signs: Symptoms of a Heart Attack

Recognizing a Heart Attack: Symptoms to Watch For

Introduction  When the blood flow to the heart is reduced or blocked, the blockage is usually caused due to fat buildup, cholesterol, and other factors. These buildups or deposits are called plaque, and the process of plaque buildup is called atherosclerosis. Sometimes, the plaque can form a clot that blocks or reduces the blood flow,


Maintaining a Healthy Spine: Tips for a Strong and Flexible Back

Healthy Spine

Introduction of healthy spine A healthy spine posture is crucial for controlling the body’s vital functions. It provides structural support and maintains an upright posture, enabling us to move and protect the spinal cord and nerve roots. This, in turn, helps us perform everyday tasks with ease. Additionally, the spine plays a crucial role in


Hydration and UTI Prevention: The Importance of Drinking Enough Water

Drinking Water: Key to Preventing UTIs

Introduction Drinking water and staying hydrated imparts numerous benefits including preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs). Women are more prone to UTIs than men due to a number of reasons. UTIs are treatable but preventing them is always better.  Understanding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) Urinary tract infections or UTIs are characterized by infections developing in any


Diabetic Foot Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Diabetic Foot Infections Causes Symptoms and treatment

Introduction People with diabetes often experience problems in their legs and arms, particularly in their feet, which can lead to symptoms such as numbness and poor blood circulation. In such cases, it can be difficult to notice cuts, sores, and blisters. If left untreated, these wounds can quickly become infected, resulting in complications and possibly


Understanding Acute vs. Chronic Bronchitis: What You Need to Know

Bronchitis Treatment, Procedure

Introduction Bronchitis is caused by an infection in the bronchial tube lining, which carries air to and from the lungs. People with bronchitis usually cough up thick and discoloured mucus. It is often developed from a cold or respiratory infection. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is common, whereas


Understanding Chronic Sinusitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Chronic Sinusitis

I. Introduction Chronic sinusitis occurs when the sinuses, which are the areas within your nose and head, remain inflamed and swollen for a duration of three months or longer. This widespread disorder disrupts the natural drainage of mucus, leading to nasal congestion. You may experience swollen or irritated eyes and find it challenging to breathe


Tennis Elbow And It’s Symptoms And Treatment

Tennis Elbow Symptoms & Treatment

What is a Tennis Elbow?  Tennis elbow or medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a repetitive strain injury that impacts the outside of the elbow, specifically, the tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus bone. It is characterized by pain and a bony bump on the outside of the elbow, and soreness


All You Need To Know About Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement is usually a reason for shoulder pain. A rotator cuff connects the upper arm bone and shoulder along with tendons. The acromion, present at the top of the shoulder, is where the rotator cuff is. If there is a shoulder impingement, your rotator cuff will snag or rub on the acromion. The area


All You Need To Know About Shoulder Dislocation

Known as the most mobile joint in the human body, the shoulder joint is characterized by a ball-and-socket mechanism where the head of the humerus bone fits into the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The shoulder’s ball-and-socket structure allows it to rotate in multiple directions, making it highly mobile. Though it’s attached to muscles, tendons,


All You Need To Know About H3N2 Virus

H3N2 virus

India is currently grappling with a new health crisis as cases of prolonged sickness, and cough has surged across the country, even though COVID-19 and related illnesses have largely subsided. These incidences are connected to the H3N2 virus, based on the information provided by the Indian Council of Medical research. The H3N2 is an influenza