Depression- How is it caused and how can it be treated?

Causes of depression and treatment

Depression is not just a feeling of unhappiness or being a bit fed up for a few days – which is common and totally normal. Those who are suffering from depression can suffer from an immense feeling of sadness that can last for weeks and maybe even months. Everyone is different and the condition can


A scientific session on ‘Dealing with Metastatic bone tumors & its pain management’ being conducted by Dr. Kishore B. Reddy.

Dr. Kishore B. Reddy conducted a scientific session on ‘Dealing with Metastatic bone tumors & its pain management’ on 4th August, 2018 at Hotel Green Park, Ameerpet,Hyderabad.


How To Keep Your Heart Healthy

How to keep your heart healthy

A healthy heart is central to overall good health. Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age can prevent heart disease and lower your risk for a heart attack or stroke. You are never too old or too young to begin taking care of your heart. True, the younger you begin making healthy choices, the longer


What are the causes and effects of Indoor Air Pollution?

Causes and Effects of Indoor Pollution

According to a recent survey conducted by WHO, indoor air pollution has affected and killed more than 4.3 million people every year. Indoor Air Pollution refers to the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of air in the indoor environment within a home, building, or an institution or commercial facility. The problems can be subtle and


World Asthma Day


Asthma is an allergic disease that causes airway problems to the lungs. As a result of asthma, the patient may suffer from severe breathing difficulty. It eventually makes the person feel difficult in performing some physical activities. Asthma is related to the breathing issue. When people are exposed to different stimulants like food, air and


7 Common Myths and Facts of Asthma

Myths and Facts of Asthma

Myth: Asthma is present only when you face trouble in breathing. Fact: Asthma is a disease that is difficult to identify. Even without visible symptoms, there is a chance of underlying inflammation in the airways of people with asthma. Asthma exists even when symptoms are not visible. Asthma needs to be controlled by regularly consuming


Epilepsy in Children and Ways to Manage it

Child epilepsy

Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the world, causing chronic and unpredictable seizures. It can affect people of all ages, even children. A child is diagnosed with epilepsy when they have at least two unprovoked seizures that were not caused by a known reversible medical condition. During a seizure, brain cells either


Chronic kidney disease in Uddanam (Nephropathy)

Uddanam Nephropathy

Uddanam is a green, cosy and beautiful village situated in the northern coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh. However, the village is in news due to a peculiar disease that inhabits the lives of the people of Uddanam. The mystery disease is CKDu – Chronic Kidney Disease of the Unknown Etiology which surfaces despite having no


6 Common Myths and Facts About Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

The function of a kidney is to remove waste from the bloodstream. When the kidneys fail to perform this function, the waste starts getting accumulated in the body. Over a period, the accumulation of waste leads to kidney failure and ultimately death. A kidney transplant is one of the most effective treatments to avoid total



OMNI has always given a high priority for patient care. Dentistry at OMNI is not just an appointment but a stress-free and comfortable experience. We have a bunch of highly trained professionals and latest equipment which helps in maintaining the oral health of our patients. When you are at OMNI with any dental problem, high