Healthy eating in the New Year

Every now and again many of us resolve to improving our health habits and promise ourselves to eating healthier. Follow these tips to treat yourself to healthy eating.

1. Don’t deprive yourself.

Aim to eat nutritious foods your body loves 80 percent of the time. Use that other 20 percent to treat yourself a bit.

2. Graze healthfully.

Tide yourself over between meals with healthier snacks. Whether your thing is sweet or savory, crunchy or chewy, there are plenty of options for snacking smart.

3. Eat fresh produce all year long.

Find out which fruits and veggies are in season even in the winter and stock up at the store and farmers’ markets. Eating fresh means eating the tastiest and most delicious produce around.

4. Indulge smarter.

Chocolate-dipped strawberries? Choco-Nut popcorn? Yes, please. Lower sugar doesn’t have to mean less deliciousness.

5. Understand emotional eating.

There is a link between how we feel and how we eat, particularly when it comes to stress. Figuring out what kind of eater you are and whether you look to food to comfort you in times of anger, boredom, stress, or sadness will help you formulate a plan for making different decisions when faced with those emotions.

6. Make holidays, birthdays, and special occasions a little healthier.

Holidays and special occasions are always a good reason to enjoy delicious food. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to celebrate without going overboard.

7. Be mindful at meal times…

Staying tuned in to what you’re eating (as opposed to the phone or TV) is a great way to eat until you’re full, but not beyond. Being relaxed and mindful can also help you heed fullness cues.

8. …But don’t overthink it.

Recent research shows that the more time we take to think about whether or not we should eat something, the more likely we are to find a reason to justify eating it. Checking in with yourself about your mood and are great habits to have, but remember to trust your gut.

9. Start the day right.

Studies suggest that eating a healthy breakfast is linked to sustained weight loss and weight management, particularly when that breakfast is nutritious and fiber-rich and high in protein.

10. Use the buddy system.

Having a partner with the same healthy-eating ambitions has been shown to help both people reach their goals.

What you eat can impact every aspect of your life from your mental health to your sleep and relationships. So go ahead and wholeheartedly commit to developing healthier eating habits this year. Set goals that are simple and tangible. Make time to meal plan to set yourself up for success. But above all else, believe in yourself. This is your year. You can do this!

Dr Deepa Agarwal, is Consultant Nutritionist at Udai Omni Hospital. She has an experience of 10 years having completed MSc and PhD in Clinical Nutrition.

This article first appeared on Udai Omni.