Heart Disease More Than Heart Attacks


There are many heart diseases with unique symptoms, treatments, and procedures. Although heart attacks is the most common known heart disease or condition, it is important to know the various heart diseases and their symptoms so as to stay vigilant and cautious. For some kind of heart diseases, simple lifestyle changes and proper medication helps but for others, different care and needs arise. When people talk about heart disease, heart attack or cardiac arrest is the only one that comes to mind. But there are many heart conditions other than heart attack. 

Here are the heart diseases and conditions other than heart attack:

CAD (Coronary Artery Disease):

CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) is the most common heart condition that causes blockages in coronary arteries. CAD leads to uneven or decreased blood flow to the heart muscles and closes the way to receive the oxygen. This condition arises as a result of artery stiffening.

Coronary heart disease can cause chest pain, known as angina, or it can lead to a heart attack.

Some factors that may increase your risk of coronary artery disease include:

  • Age (The risk of heart disease increases after the age of 55 for males and substantially after menopause for women.)
  • Inactive lifestyle 
  • Diabetes or the metabolic syndrome


When you have an arrhythmia, your heart beats at an erratic rate. Serious arrhythmias are frequently caused by other heart issues, although they can occasionally occur on their own.

Heart Failure

Heart failure occurs when your heart does not pump blood as efficiently as it should to meet your body’s needs. It is typically caused by coronary artery disease, although it can also occur as a result of thyroid illness, excessive blood pressure, heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy), or other disorders.

Heart valve issues:

An irregularity in the blood flow between the 4 chambers of heart, lungs, and blood vessels may make it difficult for a valve to open and close properly. When this happens, your blood flow may be obstructed or blood may leak. Your valve might not open and close properly.

Heart valve diseases include the following:


This is a bacterial infection that can enter the bloodstream and take root in your heart through illness, surgery, or the use of intravenous medicines. It frequently occurs if you already have valve issues. Antibiotics may typically heal it, but the condition is fatal if not treated.

If your heart valves have been severely damaged by endocarditis, you may require valve replacement surgery.

Heart rheumatoid arthritis: 

This illness occurs when rheumatic fever, which is connected to strep throat and scarlet fever, damages your heart muscle and valves.

Rheumatic heart disease was more widespread in the early twentieth century. Doctors can now avoid it by treating the disorders that cause it with antibiotics. If you do contract it, the symptoms usually appear years after the infection.

Pericardial Syndrome:

Pericardial disease or inflammation of pericardium is caused by viral infection. It is an inflammatory disorder that damages the sac that covers and surrounds your heart. Pericardial damage leads one to undergo open heart surgery. 


Cardiomyopathy is a condition that affects the heart muscle. When your heart muscle contracts, stretches, and stiffens, it doesn’t pump blood regularly and disrupts the heart functioning. 

Although there are many reasons or situations leading to this condition, cardiac abnormalities caused by genes, toxic reactions, and infections stand to be some of the common causes. 

Congenital Heart Defect

When something goes wrong when a baby’s heart is still forming in the womb, this is known as congenital heart disease. Sometimes the heart defect creates problems right away, but other times it doesn’t produce problems until you’re an adult.

One of the most common congenital heart problems is septal anomaly. These are the gaps in the wall that separates the left and right portions of your heart. 

Pulmonary stenosis is another sort of defect. A narrow valve reduces the flow of blood to your lungs. The valve can be opened or replaced through a procedure or surgery.

A tiny blood channel known as the ductus arteriosus does not close properly at birth in certain newborns. When this occurs, blood flows back into the pulmonary artery, putting strain on your heart. Doctors can treat this with surgery, a procedure, or medication in some cases.

At Omni Hospitals, we offer holistic cardiac care. Our top and best Cardiologists in Hyderabad bring together decades of experience in treating patients with complex heart diseases. Consult our top cardiologists in Hyderabad for cardiac-related queries.