Hyderabad Cyclothon 2015

Vista Entertainments Presents the Hyderabad Cyclothon 2015 and Hyderabad Safety Ride in association with Times of India and OMNI Hospitals on 13th December 2015.
OMNI Hospitals being a Associate Medical Sponsor played a very crucial role in the Hyderabad Cyclothon and treated very well to the bikers.
Bike fever has swept Hyderabad and the city is all set to celebrate all things cycling with the HYDERABAD CYCLOTHON 2015. For the first time in Hyderabad, a mixture of competitive and fun races and rides, the event allows you to push yourself to the utmost or enjoy the city’s scenery on the ORR stretch with long, leisurely rides, cheer on competitive cyclists. An all inclusive event that aims to bring cyclists across all age groups, gender, abilities and skills to support the cause of cycling, road safety and healthy, green environs in the city.