Learning Life Skills During Lockdown

We all know the importance of physical exercise, but it’s also important to keep your mind active. This lockdown is not for your mind. When stuck at home as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, there are chances are people are looking out for something to do. Solving jigsaw puzzles and playing video games can be fun, to get through a few hours of the day; there are some other ways to pass your time in lockdown more effectively. Be it a new skill, which you always wanted to learn, or a hobby you want to pick back up again. Now it is the perfect time to be busy with yourself and make the time in self-isolation much more worthwhile.

Learning a New Language

Many of us have an urge to learn a new language, but never get around or don’t get time for that. So, its the time to break the mould and learn it for yourself. Choose a language – may it be French, Spanish, Mandarin, Italian or Hebrew, it can make a big difference in your life once we finally get through the coronavirus pandemic. While travelling to a country and being able to speak the language of that country, will help you get engaged in more meaningful conversations with the locals and at the same time it will make you more employable.


Write Diaries

We are living in a different time. Humans have not faced such a crisis like this during the past. Write down the experiences and feelings going on in the heart and mind about the ongoing pandemic in a diary.


Skill-up with an Online Course

Many universities are offering free online courses ranging from public speaking to blockchain technology and almost everything. There are several other platforms that have high-quality videos on various topics. There are many other online learning websites that are chargeable for the courses and it is worth the time and money. Get back to your office with new skill-sets that will be helpful for you in the future.


Stay Connected

Learning life skills during the lockdown

Healthy relationships are the key to our well-being. Research suggests that people who engage in supportive and positive relationships produce more oxytocin, which can: boost the immune system, allows healing quickly and are less likely to experience stress and depression.

Technology may be blamed to make people isolated but now it is vital in building a sense of real-life community that we are missing at the moment. Speaking to at least one person can uplift you (phone or video call) every day, like sharing meals, play online games or having creative sessions and discussions with loved ones using apps like Zoom or Google Meet. 


Be Mindful

During these difficult times, it’s easy for our mind to deviate towards the worries and the worst scenarios. The right thing is that no one really knows what the future holds. We should be prepared for it and the foremost thing is we are safe now in the present moment. Meditation is the only way for staying mindful and helps in keeping our focus during other tasks.


Read a Book

Utilise this time by reading a book. It will enhance your knowledge on different aspects of life, people, history and culture. Research suggests that reading books make you smarter and empathetic.