Tachycardiomyopathy Baby Treated at OMNIRK Hospital

A baby of Age/sex – 16days/m
Diagnosis: cardiogenic shock, PSVT, tachycardiomyopathy
Brief summary: The baby was brought here with history of drowsiness, breathlessness and difficulty to take feed for 2 days. He was diagnosed septicemia outside. On examination the baby was found to have very drowsy and unable to move. BP was very low and pulse was very feeble.
Baby was tachypnoec and pulse was 300/min. cxr showed cardiomegally. In ECG there was evidence of SVT. Echo revealed severe LV dysfunction due to fast heart beat. So diagnosis of tachycardiomyopathy was made. Immediately started with ionotropes just after admission. Planned for chemical cardio version. Injection Adenosine given rapid IV. But there was no response. However tried with 2nd dose. It responded and arrhythmia got reverted to normal rhythm and rate. After that injection amiodarone was given for 12 hrs. No more recurrence of the same. Baby started improving dramatically. Ionotrpes were tapered off. Baby resumed normal feeding. Ultimately discharged with stable condition.