What are Robotic Surgeries? How are they used for Hip and Knee replacement?

What are Robotic Surgeries?

Robotic Surgeries: The field of medicine is ever-evolving with advancements that were not even imaginable. The latest research & development in medical science aims to increase the success rates of complex procedures and ease things for patients. Robotic surgery or Robot-Assisted Surgery (RAS) is one such procedure that aims to perform complex surgeries with great precision and minimal invasion. It is a ground-breaking surgical procedure in medical science.

Let’s understand it in detail.

How are Robotic Surgeries performed?

  • Robot surgeries are carried out by specially trained surgeons. These surgeons are trained specially to handle the robotic control and perform the surgery with precision.
  • In most robot surgeries, a small incision is made to perform with a minimally invasive approach. The location of the small incisions depends on the type of surgery (Hip or Knee) being performed.
  • A typical robotic surgical system consists of a camera and mechanical arms to carry and operate surgical instruments. The robot is connected to a system which is operated by an experienced surgeon. The surgeon sits at a controlling centre and operates the console to move those robotic arms.
  • The surgeon can see through the camera attached to the robot. The camera provides highly magnified, high-definition live 3D images on the screen. The doctor then controls the robotic arms via the console to perform the procedure.

Types of Robot-Assisted Surgeries

As the operating procedure behind robot-assisted surgery continues to advance and make more technological progress, robotic surgeries are increasingly being used for various medical conditions. Some of the common surgeries that are now being efficiently performed using robotic equipment are:

  • Robotic Bariatric surgery
  • Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Robotic Cardiac surgery
  • Robotic Colorectal Surgery
  • Robotic General Surgery
  • Robotic Gynecologic Surgery
  • Robotic Kidney Surgery
  • Robotic Prostate Surgery
  • Robotic Hip Replacement Surgery
  • Robotic Urological surgery
  • Single-Site Robotic Gallbladder Surgery

Benefits of Robotic Surgeries

There are several reasons why robotic surgeries are considered the future of all types of surgical procedures. While robot-assisted surgeries increase the precision and accuracy of a procedure, it also reduces much risk associated with human error.

Another major advantage is that most robot surgeries are minimally invasive procedures. They allow complex surgeries to be performed using the tiniest possible incisions. This helps the patients in many ways.

  1. Minimal trauma
  2. Less scarring
  3. Less pain and discomfort
  4. Quicker recovery
  5. Lesser risk of infection
  6. Reduced risk of blood loss
  7. Decreases requirement of Blood Transfusion
  8. Shorter hospital stay
  9. Reduced risk of complications

Robot-Assisted Surgery (RAS) for Hip & Knee Replacement

Joint replacement surgery, whether done for the knee or the hip, has helped millions of patients to live normal lives without being limited by pain and decreased mobility. When robotic surgery was incorporated for this purpose, it brought more precision to the table. Consequently, the patients achieved better results and more mobility than conventional surgery with minimal invasion.

In a traditional knee or hip replacement surgery, the surgeon removes the damaged part of the area and replaces it with an artificial joint. Let’s see the procedure in detail.

Robot-Assisted Surgery: Knee Replacement Procedure

  1. Before the surgery is scheduled, the doctors perform a CT scan. Using the results of the scan, the doctors create a 3D model of the Knee area. This model helps the doctor carefully evaluate the joint for bone structure, joint alignment, disease severity, and surrounding tissues & bones.
  2. The doctors then carefully examine the model and plan the sizing, alignment, and positioning of the knee implant with accuracy.
  3. During the surgery, the doctor inserts the robotic arm through a tiny incision in the knee. Based on the 3D model, the robotic arm helps to remove the damaged tissue with pinpoint accuracy.
  4. The knee implant is then placed at its position, and the incision is closed.

Robotic Knee replacement has shown to be way more effective than conventional surgery methods. Patients who underwent the procedure experienced a more natural feeling during normal movements with increased mobility.

Robot-Assisted Surgery: Hip Replacement Procedure

  1. The hip replacement procedure is quite similar to Knee Replacement surgery. The experienced team of surgeons carefully performs preoperative procedures to evaluate the damaged tissue as well as the sizing of the implant.
  2. Through a small incision, the robotic arm is lowered in the required area to remove the damaged bone tissue.
  3. The robotic arm is further used to place the new implant in place with utmost precision.
  4. The robotic arm is then retracted, and the incision is closed.
  5. While the robotic tool is used to carry out the resection of tissue and implant the new tissue, the surgeon uses the robotic arms camera to look for any other required modifications during the procedure. The surgeon may make any modifications intraoperatively if necessary.

Robotic hip replacement is favourable due to the precision that it offers. The correct positioning of the implant, as well as the accurate removal of the damaged tissue, play a crucial role in ensuring that the patient can walk more normally with the least discomfort post-surgery.

  • When compared to traditional surgical methods, robot-assisted hip replacement has shown to be five times more accurate at matching leg length and twice as precise at achieving optimal hip joint angle.
  • Omni Hospital understands that robotic surgeries are indeed the future of medical science. As technology advances further, there is hope that in future, robotic surgeries will be used for almost all surgical procedures with increased success rates and patient satisfaction.
  • Knee and hip replacement with robot-assisted surgery is already a popular and safe procedure with great results. This type of surgery can help people with persistent knee and hip issues to live normal lives without going through conventional surgical procedures.
  • With robot-assisted joint surgery, patients can expect a more natural feeling of movement in their joints. If you have, you may benefit from robotic joint replacement surgery.
  • Those who have been diagnosed with advanced arthritis of the knee or debilitating hip pain that limits their ability to move and perform daily activities should contact the highly experienced and board-certified team of surgeons.
  • Omni Hospital possesses world-class facilities, cutting-edge technologies, and certified medical staff, leading to a clear track record of successful RAS.

If you need a Hip or Knee replacement, contact the medical counsellors and doctors at Omni Hospital by calling 888 0101 000 to discuss the possible options for your specific condition.