What You Must Know About Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a common vascular condition that affects between 30 and 50% of adults. They are caused by faulty valves in superficial veins. It’s not surprising that there are so many questions and concerns about the subject. Varicose veins can appear anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found in the legs. Varicose veins can be seen as twisted or bulging veins that appear blue or purple, but this is not always true.
What Are Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are enlarged and swollen veins that cause excruciating pain and irritation. Some varicose veins are internal, while the majority are visible beneath the skin.
Varicose veins cause a great deal of discomfort in a large number of patients. Varicose veins, which affect women more than men, form when the vein valves become damaged over time, causing blood to pool and leaving patients with a heavy feeling in the affected area.
Despite the fact that varicose veins are a common medical condition among the elderly, there is a lack of understanding about its symptoms and treatment. Let us dispel the following varicose vein myths:
Myth-1 Varicose Veins are Spider veins:
Varicose veins are frequently confused with spider veins, and the terms are used interchangeably. Spider veins, on the other hand, are not varicose-veins. Spider veins are smaller, less painful, and very thin. Spider veins resemble thin ink lines drawn on the skin, whereas varicose veins bulge out and are much more painful.
Myth-2 Varicose veins are extremely important to the circulatory system:
Varicose veins were once an important part of the circulatory system, but because their valves no longer function properly and cause blood to pool, they are no longer useful to the body. They are superficial, and it is safe to have them cut or removed entirely from the body.
Myth-3 Spider veins are non-preventable:
Varicose veins can almost certainly be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight, wearing comfortable shoes, and leading an active lifestyle. If you are obese or overweight, you put extra pressure on your legs, which can damage the valves of your leg and foot veins, resulting in painful spider veins. Blood can pool in the legs and around the ankles if you wear shoes that restrict blood flow. Mild, regular ankle-focused exercises have also been shown to reduce the likelihood of varicose veins in the majority of patients.
Myth-4 Spider veins are not a genetic condition:
Varicose veins have also been discovered in patients who were neither overweight nor lived a sedentary lifestyle. These veins are thus hereditary in a few cases and have been discovered to be a genetic medical condition in a few people. If you have a family history of spider veins, you are more likely to develop them yourself at some point in your life.
Myth-5 Compression stockings provide no relief to varicose vein patients
Compression socks, also known as support stockings, are a boon to varicose vein patients. They come in a variety of sizes and are generally loose around the thighs but tighter around the ankles. They aid in keeping the veins compressed, preventing blood from pooling. Ideal for long flights or varicose vein patients with desk jobs that require long periods of sitting in the same position, these reduce pain, slow the progression of existing varicoseveins, and prevent new varicose vein development.
There is no need to be concerned if you have early symptoms of spider veins or have been diagnosed with them. Omni Hospitals in Hyderabad has a team of experienced vascular surgeons who specialize in non-invasive laser treatment of varicose veins. It is a completely painless and risk-free procedure. Patients are usually discharged from the hospital on the same day as their endovenous laser treatment with minimal post-treatment care.
Omni Hospitals has a track record of patients who have been successfully treated for spider veins. If you have spider veins, no matter your age, we can help you get rid of them. Make an appointment with Omni Hospitals today for a precise diagnosis and world-class treatment!