World Heart Day 2024: Expert Insights on Heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases have been one of the leading causes of death in the past few decades. World Heart Day is a global movement that aims to create awareness about cardiovascular diseases and promote the importance of adopting a healthy and heart-friendly lifestyle. It’s a worldwide campaign, and millions participate annually in raising heart health awareness. This year, the theme for World Heart Day is “Use Heart for Action.” It encourages individuals, communities, and healthcare providers to make informed decisions about heart health and take meaningful steps toward preventing heart disease.

To celebrate this day, Omni Hospitals, renowned for its comprehensive cardiac care, has partnered with leading cardiologists to share expert insights into maintaining optimal heart health.

What is World Heart Day?

World Heart Day, celebrated annually on September 29, is an international event organised by the World Heart Federation (WHF), which was first initiated in the year 2000 to reach out to growing concerns over cardiovascular diseases. Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the major causes of death. On this day, healthcare organisations, governments, and non-governmental organisations come together to increase awareness about maintaining cardiovascular health. They arrange campaigns, checks, activities, and seminars to educate people on heart health and how to care for it. These campaigns urge people to change their lifestyles to minimise heart disease and increase heart health awareness.

Cardiovascular diseases cause more than 17 million deaths every year, which is why efforts need to be made globally to combat this health crisis. World Heart Day serves as a platform to share valuable information about the heart, empower people to control their heart health, and inspire healthcare organizations to improve cardiovascular disease care.

The Importance of World Heart Day

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of mortality in the world, but they may be prevented with some lifestyle changes and early intervention. World Heart Day seeks to do just that. Here’s why this day is important:

Raising Awareness About Cardiovascular Diseases

Increasing awareness of cardiovascular diseases, which include conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels is one of the major goals of World Heart Day. An important objective of World Heart Day is educating the public about the risks and symptoms of heart disease to let them recognize early warning signs and know when to seek medical care.

Encouraging Heart Disease Prevention

Prevention of heart disease is the major focus of World Heart Day. Many CVDs can be prevented through lifestyle adjustments such as adopting a heart-healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and stress management. Some expert insights shared during the World Heart Day events equip individuals with valuable heart health tips and empower them to make their own health choices.

Promoting Heart Health on a Global Scale

World Heart Day is a global event that transcends borders and cultures. It unites healthcare providers, governments, and individuals from all walks of life to work together toward improving cardiovascular health. The event ensures that heart health becomes a priority in all developed and developing countries where healthcare access varies, as does education about CVDs.

Supporting Those Affected by Heart Diseases

World Heart Day is also a call to action to work with heart disease sufferers and their families. Many people live with the burden of managing chronic heart conditions, which require ongoing care, education, and emotional support. World Heart Day motivates the public through compelling stories of resilience and calls for vigilance in taking care of the cardiovascular system.

Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

Preventing heart disease involves a combination of lifestyle changes and medical interventions. Here are some strategies to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease:

Heart Disease Prevention Through Diet

A heart-healthy diet is essential for heart disease prevention. Focus on low-fat, high-fibre foods. Limit processed foods, sweets, and salty snack foods and switch to fresh produce, less fatty meats, and whole grains.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity will strengthen the heart muscle, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Weight Management

The major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases is obesity, and maintaining weight through proper diet and exercise is fundamental to heart disease prevention.

Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol

Smoking damages all blood vessels, and the risk of heart attacks due to smoking exposure is also increased. Quitting smoking can significantly improve heart health; alcohol intake must be limited to maintain healthy levels of blood pressure.  Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, and other cardiovascular problems. Limit your alcohol intake to moderate levels to maintain heart health.

Regular Health Screenings

Most of the risk factors can be identified through regular health check-up. Identification of the risk factors associated with cholesterol level, blood pressure, and blood sugar can diagnose cardiovascular diseases early on.

Heart Health Tips for Different Age Groups

Heart health is important at every stage of life. Here are some heart-healthy tips for different age groups:

Children and Adolescents

Encourage children to follow a healthy diet, live an active life, and avoid sedentary lifestyles. Parents should also be mindful of the early warning signs of congenital heart disease—a heart defect that affects the structure and function of the heart.

Adults (30-60 years)

For this age group, workload, family responsibilities, and lifestyle choices can be considerably stressful. Management of heart health in this age group warrants particular attention: watch your blood pressure, keep tabs on your cholesterol, and take measures to manage your stress levels. Be physically active, eat a diet considered to be healthy for your heart, and avoid smoking.

Seniors (60+ years)

With age comes cardiovascular disease risk factors. Older people should exercise, maintain a healthy weight, and be on the lookout for signs of heart disease. Regular check-ups with a cardiologist can help prevent complications arising from the heart in the later stages of life and promote longer lives.

Embracing a Heart-Healthy Future

World Heart Day 2024 reminds us all that keeping your heart healthy is for life and for good. The steps you take today will have a profound impact on your future well-being. At Omni Hospitals, we utilise a comprehensive approach to cardiac care for all age groups. Our highly experienced cardiologists, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals guide patients from prevention to treatment to recovery.

Make sure to prioritize cardiovascular health to prevent heart diseases in the future and lead healthier, happier lives. This World Heart Day, let’s commit to making heart health a priority not just for ourselves but for our loved ones and future generations.

This article has been medically reviewed by Dr Pramod Kumar, Cardiologist