Laparoscopic Surgery for Gallstones: Quick and Easy Recovery

May 10, 2024

Overview The gallbladder is a small, hollow organ that stores bile for digesting fat in the small intestine. Gallbladder removal is a commonly performed surgical procedure for treating various gallbladder diseases. It is possible to live a healthy life after having the gallbladder removed.  With advancements in clinical technology, minimally invasive procedures of treatment have


Choosing the Right Surgeon for Pacemaker Implantation Surgery

May 6, 2024

It is critical to ensure optimal cardiac health and to choose the best surgeon for pacemaker placement surgery. A pacemaker is a medical device that is implanted to keep the heart beating in a consistent and safe rhythm. Pacemakers can be used to treat a range of medical disorders, including bradycardia, heart failure, and hypertrophic


Heat Stroke Precautions: Tips to Avoid Dehydration in Summer

May 2, 2024

With rising temperatures soaring higher than 40°C in some places around India, it becomes imperative for everyone to stay cool, alert and hydrated this summer to avoid heat-related illnesses, such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke/summer stroke. Several heat wave warnings sweeping across the country have arisen, cautioning people to keep themselves safe during


Neurology: Latest Findings in Brain Health

April 26, 2024

Brain Health Overview The human brain is an intricate structure that constitutes billions of neurons, which still stuns scientists with its flexibility and sophistication. The neurological development of recent years has changed the field markedly, making the discovery of cognitive and brain health functions possible. From advances in comprehending neuroplasticity to revealing the processes behind


Laser Piles Treatment: 10 Reasons Why you Should Opt for Surgery

April 22, 2024

Piles, medically known as haemorrhoids, is a common condition that affects thousands of individuals worldwide and can seriously impact one’s quality of life. Although piles may not threaten life, they should be handled to reduce pain and suffering and the possibility of consequences. Changing particular foods and taking over-the-counter pain relievers are the standard methods


Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins with Our Effective Treatment Procedure

April 19, 2024

Varicose veins can be more than simply a cosmetic concern; if not addressed, they can bring discomfort and health problems. They may lead to discomfort, pain, and insecurity for people who have them. Although some people may seek Varicose vein treatment for cosmetic purposes, it’s important to realize that ignoring varicose veins can have major


World Malaria Day 2024: Global Initiatives for Malaria Eradication

April 15, 2024

Every year on April 25th, the world observes World Malaria Day to mark the critical nature of the ongoing fight against one of the most fatal and oldest diseases. Once more, in 2024, people will be focusing on this global health problem and considering the work that needs to be done to combat malaria and


World Liver Day 2024: Key Facts about Liver Health

April 12, 2024

World Liver Day Overview World Liver Day 2024 is celebrated on April 19 annually to spread awareness about the various diseases of the liver. This day is celebrated annually to bring together communities, medical professionals, and lawmakers to address the growing cases of liver diseases worldwide and promote preventive measures for liver diseases. This year’s