Diabetes: Everything you need to know


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder which affects how your body turns food into energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into sugar also known as glucose and is released into your bloodstream. When the blood sugar goes up, it signals the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin acts as a key to


Stroke Signs, Prevention & Awareness


When the blood supply to the brain is disrupted and decreased, then brain stroke occurs. When the blood supply to some part of your brain is interrupted, then someone experiences a stroke. This happens primarily when clots or other obstructions block the flow of blood to the brain Types of Strokes: Ischemic Stroke – This


Dermatology: Busting Myths Around Skincare


The desire for a clear complexion is universal. However, it’s probably more about your ability to distinguish between fact and fiction than how diligently you follow a cleansing regimen or how much money you spend. Most of the skincare advice out there is just not true, and some myths can even harm your skin. Here’s


Down Syndrome: Myths & Facts


Down syndrome occurs when extra genetic material from chromosome 21 results from abnormal cell division. People with Down syndrome have a distinctive facial appearance, intellectual disability, and developmental delays. Thyroid disorders and heart disorders may be associated with the condition. The management of Down syndrome involves early intervention programs with a team of therapists and


Spine Health: How to take care of your spine while working from home

Spine Problem Causes: Affected backs and spine problems are often the results of poor ergonomics and comfort zones when working from home. Sedentary lifestyles and poor sitting posture are among the leading sub-factors. Backaches during WFH are most often caused by staying physically inactive. The long-term effects of sitting or lying down with no exercise


Breast Cancer: All You Need To Know

Oncologists refer to breast cancer as cancer that starts in the breast. It occurs when the cells that form in the breast grow out of control. X-ray images of lumps found on a breast can be signs of breast cancer. While women are more likely to develop breast cancer, men can also develop this disease.


Creating Better Patient Experiences With Anytime Anywhere Telemedicine and Error Free, Paper Free Digitization

OMNI Hospitals is tapping into the miracle of technology to usher a new age of assurance, convenient and trust for patients. When we are down with illness especially during pandemic times, there is a heightened sense of helplessness. For one thing, we aren’t sure if it is safe to visit a hospital or care /


Winter and Healthy Bones


Winter Bone Health Problems Our bone health is important to keep the body active and fit. The physical activity of people contracts during the winter season. Some common bone issues during winter are stiff muscles and joint pain are common problems faced during the winter season. Many people face these problems during this time of


Know more about Crohn’s Disease


Know more about Crohn’s Disease Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It mostly occurs in the small intestine and the colon. It can affect any part of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, from your mouth to your anal canal. Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease Long-lasting diarrhea Weight loss Fever Belly pain and tenderness Rectal


Know More about Blood Pressure


What is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is simply the physical pressure of blood in the blood vessels. Arteries carry blood from your heart to other parts of your body. What do the blood pressure numbers mean? Blood pressure is measured using two numbers. The first number is called Systolic blood pressure, which measures the pressure